¿Por qué visitar el Parque Nacional del Arrecife cerca de Cancún?

La gran barrera de los arrecifes maya es un paraíso submarino repleto de vibrante vida marina e impresionantes formaciones de coral. Se encuentra en las costas de Quintana Roo, al sur de Cancún, en Puerto Morelos. Esta área protegida es el hogar de especies en peligro de extinción como Elkhorn Coral. Snorkeling aquí ofrece una visión única de un ecosistema diverso y próspero.

El Mejor Snorkel en Cancun

El gran arrecife maya de Puerto Morelos

$ 79 USD

$ 58 USD

Por persona


Transporte con aire acondicionado de ida y vuelta

Guías especializados y bilingües

Tiempo libre en Puerto Morelos

Bocadillos en el restaurante junto a la playa

Aprox 1 hora de snorkeling

Equipo de seguridad (Chaleco)

Equipo de Snorkel (máscara, aletas y tubo de snorkel)

Seguro de pasajeros

Degustación de tequila

$ 79 USD

$ 58 USD

Por persona


Snorkel Reseñas

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes

Great reef snorkeling. Saw many different species of fish, including ray and barracuda. Dive guides were helpful when I had a problem with my mask loosing seal. Would definitely use them for future trips.

Laura Ling

May 2024

Awesome time snorkeling and exploring the reef. Easy transport there and back, with clear communication. Our group was larger (6 adults) so we were set up with our own boat and guide! Not saying that’s a guarantee, but great hospitality from Mike and Ishmael. You spend about an hour snorkeling - we saw some cool fish and it was fun to have the experience as a group.

Jessica Samora

May 2024

We had a great experience, Alan and his team were great 👍 had great weather and had clear views of different fish and stingray in their natural habitat.

Stephanie Merch

April 2024

We took our 2 middle school daughters and a friend who had been snorkeling in Cozumel. She said that the coral was much more beautiful then where she had been and our guide, Magical Mike, was the best she had. We had nothing to compare it to but we totally agree.

Frances O.

April 2024

Very professional team. Knowledge about the Coral Reef and it’s protection. The guides ensured they navigated everyone throughout so their snorkeling experience was a great one.

Sharon A.

March 2024

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