What to do in Puerto Morelos

Ecotourism in the Mexican Caribbean

Puerto Morelos, located in Quintana Roo, Mexico, is the perfect destination for snorkeling enthusiasts and nature lovers. The Great Mayan Reef, the second-largest barrier reef in the world, offers an unforgettable underwater experience.

Explore the Puerto Morelos National Reef Park

Snorkeling Adventures

The Great Mayan Reef is a must-visit for snorkelers. Just a short distance from the shore, you'll find a vibrant underwater world teeming with colorful fish and corals. The reef is part of a protected National Park, ensuring the preservation of its natural beauty.

$ 79 USD

$ 58 USD

Per person


Round-trip air-conditioned transportation

Specialized and bilingual guides

Free time un Puerto Morelos

Snack at beachside restaurant

Aprox. 1 hrs. of snorkeling

Security gear (lifejacket)

Snorkel gear (Mask, fins and snorkeltube)

Passanger insurance

Tequila Tasting

$ 79 USD

$ 58 USD

Per person

Ruta de los Cenotes (Cenotes Route)

For those seeking adventure beyond the reef, the Ruta de los Cenotes is a must. This scenic route offers access to numerous cenotes, natural sinkholes filled with crystal-clear water. Swimming in these cenotes surrounded by lush jungle is an experience like no other.

Where is Puerto Morelos?

Puerto Morelos is conveniently located between Cancun and Playa del Carmen, making it easily accessible from both destinations. It offers a tranquil alternative to the bustling tourist hubs.

How Far is Puerto Morelos from Cancun?

Puerto Morelos is approximately 33 kilometers south of Cancun. It’s a quick 30-minute drive, making it an ideal day trip or overnight getaway.

Weather in Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, México

Puerto Morelos enjoys a warm, tropical climate with an average annual temperature of 26.3°C (79.3°F). The weather is perfect for beach activities and exploring the outdoors.

Where to Stay in Puerto Morelos

Hotels in Puerto Morelos

Puerto Morelos offers a range of accommodations, from luxury resorts to charming boutique hotels. Staying here provides easy access to the Great Mayan Reef and other attractions.

Downtown Puerto Morelos

Downtown Puerto Morelos is known for its relaxed atmosphere and friendly locals. It’s an excellent place to experience authentic Mexican culture and cuisine.


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